MONARCH: The Space Between Creativity and Vulnerability

While speaking to a good friend of mine the other day about the recent development of MONARCH and evolving Phase I (Leather Goods), he asked me why I sounded so nervous talking about it. I paused for a moment. I said that it’s not that I’m nervous, so to speak, but overwhelmingly humbled by what Allah (God) is showing me through MONARCH.

I’m discovering the incredibly unique gifts that Allah has deposited within me. I never imagined that this level of design and creativity was present. It’s deeply humbling. Ideas in great detail come to me, spontaneously. I could be reading or working on something else and the inspiration for a product or design comes through, and I follow it.  It’s an emotional and spiritual experience that quite honestly takes over me. I’m just grateful, utterly grateful.


I expressed to him that that’s what he is hearing. A heightened level of gratitude, because I realize these are gifts from God and I’m always astonished at how they manifest, and I’m honored.

I launched MONARCH in November of 2019 in preparation for the 2020 Saviours’ Day Gift season. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan did not want us to come out of our pockets to donate. He asked that we raise our Saviours’ Day Gift so that it wouldn’t create a financial hardship. By Allah’s Grace and Mercy, I not only met my personal goal, I exceeded it! All praise is due to Allah!

The 2021 Saviours’ Day Gift season, which began in mid 2020, was very trying. We were (and still are) in the midst of The Pestilence from Heaven where going out has been very limited. So I utilized this time to refine my craft, the brand and the power of social media to drive attention and support to assist my Saviours’ Day Gift donation. I was very fortunate to have supplies and materials delivered to my home. I was not going to allow not being able to attend the ‘Buy Black’ markets to slow me down when there are many other avenues available to showcase MONARCH. By Allah’s Mercy, it worked out in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Again, I was able to meet and exceed the Saviours’ Day Gift goal by over double this time!

So how did I arrive at designing and constructing leather wallets?

After watching a master leather craftsman deconstruct two designer leather wallets, I was stunned to witness that only 30-50 percent was actually leather. The rest was cardboard, cheap nylon and cardstock. These wallets retailed between $340​ ​-​​​ $​1,270 and they were mostly paper! Seeing this compelled me to design a collection of 100 percent genuine leather wallets, with no fillers, for a fraction of the cost. I want to provide a quality experience with a designer appeal, all the way through.

It was purely inspiration to return to Phase I, but on a whole new level!

This was a creative experience I had never attempted before. I didn’t know I could achieve this level of detail and focus. Constructing leather wallets, on any level, was the farthest thing from my mind. It was the experience of receiving that inspiration and following it, challenging myself or rather giving over to the unseen gifts and talents that Allah blessed me with. I wanted to see what He put in me that I was being pulled towards. It put me in a state of awe. It’s not me, it’s what He put within me to express His Glory and to bear witness to His Power, His Love and a drop of His Attribute of Creating something out of nothing. It’s calming, euphoric and therapeutic.

Quite honestly, I wake up with it and go to sleep with it – creativity and inspiration.

Another aspect of MONARCH that is pivotal in its conception and evolution is the packaging. Presentation is everything to me! It’s all in the details. I love a beautiful reveal, because it’s part of the experience, the MONARCH experience, where each person who receives our product feels as though that order was specially designed for them. It feels personal, thoughtful, customized and consistent.

I am so in love with what I do, with what I’m witnessing. I imagined something like this would be a far-fetched accomplishment, but not anymore.

It has only been by the Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad given to Him by Master Fard Muhammad, the Guidance of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Divine Class of the MGT-GCC (Muslim Girls’ Training and General Civilization Class) that I could tap into these creative talents and skills. Our How To Sew classes have awakened a part of my spirit that was dormant but obviously quite ready for activation!

I once read a quote that said, “Imagine how much progress you’d make in life had no one ever lied to you”. I read that quote back in college and it had stayed with me. The Teachings Of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is rooted in Truth and is regarded as The Invincible Truth. I bear witness to that because of the limitless progress I have made in my life as a Registered Member, Believer, MGT-GCC of The Nation Of Islam.

Furthermore, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is regarded as Honorable because of his impeccable character that is deeply and wholeheartedly rooted in Truth. He is not a man that lies, nor could he represent The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s Invincible Truth if he were not made and fashioned in Truth to deliver that Truth!

It is under his leadership that I have personally made unlimited growth, development, progress! So the Evolution of MONARCH, the Inspiration, Creativity and Vulnerability is actually a direct reflection of the Evolution of Sister Ebony S. Muhammad. The invitation to MONARCH is an invitation to who I am. MONARCH is not just one single product, because I am multi-faceted. Each Phase of MONARCH represents my own levels of development, that in fact occur in Phases.

It is my prayer that those who come across MONARCH see all of its layers and know that when they place an order and receive an order it’s not like buying from a department store. Those who experience MONARCH see the love, patience, detail, passion and drive within each product down to the packaging.

I want to thank you for all of your support, be it big or small. Whether you made a purchase or shared MONARCH’s store link with someone. It is all appreciated and means more than you know!

If you would like to continue being a part of this journey and evolution with me, visit We’re also on social media: Instagram + Facebook.

I give promo codes, free shipping and new product / restock alerts to VIP Members. Click here to join the MONARCH VIP email list!

Thank you may Allah continue to bless us all in our Evolution and Divine Discovery!